What is RSS?

By Paul 'Batman' O'Brien
B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Adv. Dip. OBB, Cert Clin. Med. Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.AFPA, M.ETCMA, M.C.Th.A.

Use the orange RSS/XML buttons (they're everywhere nowadays) to get the latest Web pages from Way of the Samurai, as well as the latest news, the movies, anime, blog posts, etc.

Imagine having your favourite parts of the Internet being delivered to your door. There's no need to go out and check for updates all the time. No need for bookmarks! And your automatically notified when new info is uploaded.

"RSS" literally stands for "Really Simple Syndication." But that is just a fancy way of saying that you can keep up with all the updates to Way of the Samurai without having to check the site every week to see "what's new."

Whenever I put up a new page or update an old one, I release it through RSS. I also make other special posts and re-release favorite "oldies" from time to time...

This gives you our "secret/best sword reviews and articles" without you having to spend hours finding them. ;-)

RSS is terrific. No spam. It's so easy to subscribe and unsubscribe. If you get tired of me, not that you would, you just have to delete the feed. ;-)

And once you start, you'll soon be tracking all your other favorite interests and news in the world.

How Do You Get Started?


Download the free RSS Reader first (skip to bottom if you do not want to download software). This is special software that reads the "RSS feeds" from the largest news organizations right down to little old me... Simple

Windows -- RssReader


Mac -- NetNewsWire


Once you're set up, here's all you have to do...

Right-click (command-click for Mac users) on any page of this site). Then...

Select Copy Shortcut ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for Mac), and paste that URL into your RSS Reader.

And that's it! You're subscribed.

Don't Want to Download New Software?

Some people prefer to view RSS feeds through their browsers. If that is you, Google, Yahoo! and others have simple one-step solutions.

Just click on one of their buttons that you see in the bottom left corner of every page on way-of-the-samurai.com

Follow the instructions after that. Easy. ;-D

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